1. Still Shot with logo swimming, then a bait is put into the water. The fish gets away because it breaks the line. "never let your monster get away" appears. Then The scene is played again with Soul Rebel bait and line. The fish is caught, then placed onto the logo.
2. Show numerous shots of fish being caught, then at the end ask what they all have in common. Say that all use Soul Rebel gear and equipment. End with logo, information and slogan
3. Draw a fisherman, and let him talk about why he likes Soul Rebel products. Then show him fishing, and say after 2 hours of fishing, and display fisherman with a huge amount of fish.
4. Show a store with persons in it. Have a background narrator telling why Soul Rebel products are the best. After it cuts to numerous people saying why they like the product. Then cut to pictures of some catches that people have made using Soul Rebel equipment. Close with logo and slogan with information.
5. Show two different professional fishermen. One uses another brand, the other uses Soul Rebel gear. Show the one using the other brand catching nothing, while the one using Soul Rebel gear catches many fish. State the benefits of Soul Rebel products, cut to Logo, information and slogan.
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