Monday, April 16, 2012

'Screen Shot'

Above is the way in which I plan to create my advertisement. I plan to use the cartoon looking logo, along with real pictures for my background, boat, and tackle. I feel that by doing this there will be a focus on the fish itself as it is the only cartoon looking item in the ad. 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Ideas for Ad

1. Still Shot with logo swimming, then a bait is put into the water. The fish gets away because it breaks the line. "never let your monster get away" appears. Then The scene is played again with Soul Rebel bait and line. The fish is caught, then placed onto the logo.

2. Show numerous shots of fish being caught, then at the end ask what they all have in common. Say that all use Soul Rebel gear and equipment. End with logo, information and slogan

3. Draw a fisherman, and let him talk about why he likes Soul Rebel products. Then show him fishing, and say after 2 hours of fishing, and display fisherman with a huge amount of fish.

4. Show a store with persons in it. Have a background narrator telling why Soul Rebel products are the best. After it cuts to numerous people saying why they like the product. Then cut to pictures of some catches that people have made using Soul Rebel equipment. Close with logo and slogan with information.

5. Show two different professional fishermen. One uses another brand, the other uses Soul Rebel gear. Show the one using the other brand catching nothing, while the one using Soul Rebel gear catches many fish. State the benefits of Soul Rebel products, cut to Logo, information and slogan.

Great Commercials

Nike Write the Future

This commercial is a live action film based on numerous professional soccer players. The tone of the ad is serious, and exciting, as it shows how different situations can have a huge effect on ones future. The products being sold are Nike soccer boots and apparel. The target audience is anyone who plays soccer, from beginners to professionals. The product isn't solving a problem, but showing how it is used by some great professionals, and it gives viewers the feeling that if they purchase something from the brand they will also be great. The commercial doesn't talk about how it will help you be great, but it shows how the people who use them do great things. The commercial has no narrator, but the players all have different stories that tell themselves without words. I feel the commercial is successful because it shows that anyone can write the future, and one event can change a persons life for better or worse. It also shows how a simple event can have a great effect on others.

Nike Take it to the Next Level

This commercial is a live action film given from first person view of a soccer player. It starts with the player being at a small soccer club, and follows him till he is a professional. The tone of the ad is serious, exciting. The product being sold is Nike soccer boots. The target audience is anyone who plays soccer. The product is showing how by using it, it will aid you to become a better player all round. It doesn't solve the problem, but it aids in helping the player become better. The commercial has no narrator, but it has live sound and background music. I feel that this ad is extremely effective and that it allows even beginners to believe that they can become a pro once they put in the hard work and use nike products. It also shows the journey a professional experiences as the beginning of their career.

Johnnie Walker Keep Walking

This commercial is a live action film that changes through the years and stops at historical events, from the beginning of the company to today. The ad is happy, and serious. The product being sold is Johnnie Walker scotch whiskey. The target audience is persons who are of the legal age to consumer alcohol, and it also seems to target an audience that feels the need for success. It doesn't solve a problem, but shows that people can overcome defeat, and that they will be there to celebrate with you along the way. It does this by showing the great events, and then saying one will never know where a stride will take you, thus implying that anyone can make history.The ad has no narrator but has written words on certain shots. I feel as though the ad is extremely effective and is motivating persons to make history and consumer their product.

Guinness Football Scout (Soccer)

This commercial is a live action film that is based on a soccer scout. The ad is happy and exciting. The product being sold is Guinness Beer. The target audience is persons of age to consume alcohol, and those who enjoy sports. There is no problem being solved, but it shows that everyone has greatness within them, and that its impossible to tell where it will come from. It does this by the narrator saying he has found more greatness than expected, and in the end the person who has been taking him all over, shows that he is the greatest of all the persons he has scouted. The narrator is over the screen but is supposed to be the scout. I feel that the ad is extremely creative and effective and it gives everyone the belief that they can be great. It also teaches people to not judge others as you never know who has talent.

Porsche Engineered for Everyday

This commercial is a live action film based on numerous Porsche models being used in everyday situations. The mood of the ad is positive and happy. The target audience is anyone who would like to purchase a car, but fears that it won't be able to do certain tasks. The problem being solved is the stigma that Porsches can not be used everyday. The ad solves this problem by showing numerous cars in different situations. This shows the audience that the car can be used in all situations and that the car is an everyday driver. The ad has no narrator but has written words on screen. I feel that the ad is effective as it shows doubters that the car can be used everyday. I feel that if I were looking for a car to buy and saw this, I would feel more satisfied buying a Porsche because the ad gives one the feeling that the car is made for the road and not the track.

Monday, March 26, 2012


I tried to keep my design for my brochure the same as the designs for my letterhead and business card. I tried to keep the design as simple as possible and i kept the theme of having an orange line across the top of the page, along with the fish faded in the background.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I tried to keep my letterhead as simple as possible, but at the same time avoid having a lot of blank space. To solve this problem I took the fish from my logo and changed its opacity. This means that text can be placed over it and it will still be visible. I placed my logo to the right of the page so that I wold have enough space to add my slogan to my letterhead. To the bottom of the page I placed my name, email address and contact number. The font used and its color are both the same as the ones in my logo and business card. The color  at the bottom of the page is also the color of the fish in my logo.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Business Card

Firstly I attempted to keep my business card as simple as possible. I used fonts and colors that are similar to keep my design formal, and to have it appear as neat as possible. On the front side, I used just my logo as I felt that it was all I needed, and a person would remember it more easily if it was the first thing they had seen. On the backside, I used the same color of the fish in my logo to add a blue banner across the top of my card. This gives it a little life, and takes up some blank space. My text was two fonts, Baskerville and Cochin. The two fonts are similar, so they are easy to read, and look well together. I placed a piece of my logo onto the left hand side of my card as it gave it character and gives one the feeling that the fish is moving. I aligned my text to the right in an attempt to be different, as most people just align their text to the centre. The information that I gave was only what a customer would require, as I did not want to add anymore confusion to the card.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Questionare on Company

1) What is your business?
 We make fishing equipment and clothing.

2) Describe your business in one sentence
 We make the industry standard and are always striving to create the newest and most innovative products. 

3) Who is your target audience?
 Fishers, casual fishers, professional fishers, boys, girls, men, women, active people.

4) Who are your competitors?
 Guy Harvey, Salt Life, Penn, Shimano, Yozuri

5) What makes them better/worse than your product/service?
 We are more engaged with our customers, and are willing to listen to their concurs. We are also never fully satisfied with our products and are always striving to improve our brand.

6) Do you currently have an identity? (This is more for companies that are already established and you’re just revamping the logo/corporate identity. If you have a new company or product, skip this question.)
Why is this important: If you’re an established company with a well-known logo, you may not want to deviate too extremely from it.

7) (If your answer to #6 is no, skip this question) What do you like about it and what don’t you like about it?
Why is this important? Even if you plan to change the logo entirely, it’s good to keep an inventory about what specifically worked and didn’t work about your previous design in order to inform the new one.

8) How do you want your image to be seen in two years?
 We want to be seen as the leader in our field, and the brand that all others look to for inspiration. We would also like to be seen as a trust worthy company who creates top of the line products.

These following questions might seem silly, but their purpose is to help generate ideas.

9) If your company was an animal, what animal would it be and why?
 A tiger shark, eating anything in its path (companies). A ferocious predator that is feared by all.

10) If your company/brand was a person, who would it be and why?
 Steve Jobs, innovative and daring, never afraid to try new things or create new products.

11) If your company/brand was an object, what would it be?
A state of the art fishing rod that detects and catches fish.

12) If your customer was a cartoon character, who would it be?
 Aquaman, calling all sea creatures.

Monday, February 27, 2012


My selection of song was Paradise by Coldplay. The image I created was the different thoughts of paradise as not everyone has the same view of paradise. I blurred the images to show that the girl was dreaming, and also placed them in such a way that one was not in one exact place or another. It is meant to be that we are seeing what she is dreaming, and it is the viewers choice as to what is paradise.

Monday, February 13, 2012



Above is my vector illustration of a life guard hut on a beach. The beach is located in Trinidad and Tobago, and its name is Maracus Bay. To me the projects was slightly difficult as at times I could not get the tools to do exactly what I liked. I also like my image to seem simple, so that is why I left it as it is, and did not make it more realistic.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Soul Rebel (final)

Above is my final logo. I decided to use the colors of blue and orange, firstly because the two contrast with one and other, and because blue represents the ocean. The two colors of blue both compliment each other. The shape and text were both used to show a sense of professionalism.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just some logos

Logo #1 - MAD MEN - In my opinion, the logo is extremely effective as its extremely simple, but at the same time can be taken in many different ways. The logo also shows the simplicity of the times the show is based upon, and that advertising is now completely different to what it once was. The logo makes me feel as though the topic is serious and for a mature audience as the outline of a cigarette can clearly be seen. I feel as though the show is geared more towards men than women as the background has a man in a suit, along with the text gives one the feeling of the business world. To me color plays a major role, as everything is neutral, except for the word MAD. This puts an emphasis on the word mad, and this truly makes the word stand out. I agree with the choice as it gives the word MAD a angry feel and shows that the characters are not ones to be messed with or go against.

Logo #2 - BOSE - This logo is also very effective in my opinion, as the company strives to be one of quality and class. The font and use of the lines gives one the sense of class and movement. This shows that the company is always looking ahead and trying to improve. It also makes me feel as though their products are well constructed because of the lack of color, as well as the font. The logo does not seem as though the brand is targeted towards children, because it seems more serious, but it also does not seem as though it is targeted towards a certain gender, and seems quite neutral. The lack of color may also aid the classy finish the company is going for, as they try to look elegant and use a timeless color, black.

Logo #3 - Oakley - This logo is simple yet effective, as everyone can identify it from a mile away. The logo makes me feel as though time is never ending and the moment will last forever. The logo doesn't seem fun, but makes me feel wild and adventurous, as the never ending time gives me the feeling that I am invincible. To me it does not seem kid friendly as it still has a serious feel towards it. I also think the product looks more manly because of its lack of color and fashion that one usually sees in female geared brands. The logo has no real standard color, and the color never gives off a feeling to me, however silver, white, and black always give off the feeling of class and a well constructed product. 

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Some Future Companies?

Idea #1: Soul Rebel - fishing company based in Trinidad, focus on creating clothing for persons who enjoy fishing and being on or in the sea.

Idea #2: Butu - Energy Drink brand focused on persons who enjoy partying, action sports, and having a good time. This product will rival RedBull and Monster, and will be a healthier alternative with more of a kick.

Idea #3: AL Marketing - A high end marketing company that will one day set that standards for the rest of the Marketing and Advertising world.

Idea #4: dB Electronics - An electronics company focused on creating the highest quality musical equipment. Our products will blow you away.

Idea #5: Blackout - The greatest party supplies ever. After using our products you won't remember a thing.

Just a little bit about me

If you have come here, I'm guessing you really would like to get to know me, so here goes. My name is Arron Lambie, I am from Trinidad and Tobago (an island in the Caribbean). I am currently a Marketing major with a minor in Advertising. I decided to take this class because I feel as though it will help me later on in the working world as I will understand certain processes and tasks that are done to take a piece of work to the next level. I also feel that learning how to create digital art will be quite entertaining and an easy way to make money someday.  

Just another weekend in Trinidad